POsters + Motion Design

Graphic Design | Motion Design | Kinetic Typography

(Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects)

Volcano (Jungle), Brat (Charli XCX), Submarine (The Marías), and Currents (Tame Impala) are albums that are in my daily rotation. Each album cover is memorable through their use of color and I used those colors to create unique album poster designs for each album.

I utilized those same colors, combined with videos I’ve taken throughout the past year to create Spotify visualizers for a song off of each album.


Spotify Visualizers

Album Posters


C3 AI: Clarity

C3 AI: Clarity is a fictitious enterprise AI product I created for C3 AI. C3 AI Clarity combats a common issue that many data-driven businesses face: data overload. I created this 30 second video to break down what the product does while adhering to C3’s brand guidelines and tone of voice.